What a panel box should look like

Peace of Mind

Quality Electrical Workmanship Starts Here

Seeking out regular service upgrades is an important investment in the safety, efficiency, and functionality of your home. Building codes and standards change over time, and older electrical systems may not be up to code. Our expert service upgrades can ensure that the whole home meets current code requirements and safety guidelines. 

B&W Electric is ready to help!

How to Tell


Electricians generally advise of an upgrade to breaker panels to ensure that the system can handle the increased wattage usage demand. However, there are other signs that a system may need to be upgraded.

We're here to help you decide if it's time for an upgrade.

B&W works with ethical integrity in providing your electrical service needs.

Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. 

Key Indicators

An Aging Panel - If a breaker panel is over 20-years old, it may be time to consider and update. Older panels may not be able to handle the electrical demands of modern homes, which can lead to safety hazards.

The Presence of Flickering Lights - Do the lights keep dimming, especially when other appliances are turned on? This may be a sign that the breaker panel is overloaded and needs to be updated.

Tripping Breakers - Circuit breakers tend to trip frequently when the system needs an upgrade.

Burning Smells - When an odor of burning is coming from the breaker panel, it could indicate that there is an electrical issue needing immediate attention. In a situation like this, it is best to turn off the power of the home and contact an electrician right away. 

200 amp or 400 amp?

Installing hot tubs, dryers, stoves, tankless hot water heaters, baseboard heaters, and various entertainment options require a higher amount of electricity from the grid. 

Customers have often said, "I am selling my home in a couple of months, so I won't need to upgrade." Some have come back because they changed their minds after trying to sell their home and finding that potential buyers require a minimum of 200amp panels. 

Don't fret, we'll take the worry out of the equation, and help you figure it out.

Overload Protection

One of the most helpful options for service upgrades would be the addition of overload protection. This safety feature is increasingly being built into many electrical systems to prevent damage. When an excessive amount of electrical current flows through a circuit, it can lead to electrical shocks and fires. To avoid this risk, an overload protection system is designed to detect when too much current is running through an electrical line. When that happens, the system is designed to immediatley shut off power to that circuit before it overheats and starts a fire. 

Overload protection can be provided by various devices, including circuit breakers, fuses, and thermal protectors. Circuit breakers are the most common type of devices and are installed in a homes electrical panel, automatically disconnecting an overloaded circuit. Fuses, on the other hand, melt when the current exceeds a certain level, breaking the circuit. Thermal protectors work by sensing rising temperatures and shutting off the power when they get too high.

To determine which option would be best for you home, speak to one of our experts at B&W Electric.



Fuses contain a metal filament that overheats and melts when exess power surges through it. Once a fuse trips, it must be discarded and replaced with a new fuse.

Fuses are single use only.


Circuit breakers contain a mechanical switch that flips to the OFF position when excess power surges through the breaker. Resetting the breaker is done by simply pushing the handle to the ON position.

Circuit breakers can be used again and again without needing to be replaced.


Keeping you informed is a top priority for B&W